Archive for August 2008

INARM Status Report

August 29, 2008

End of August Activity Report
International Network of Actuarial Risk Managers

The INARM Blog was started in April, 2008. About 2/3 of the material on the Blog consists of copies of the email discussions from the INARM listserv. The other 1/3 of the material consists of links to various sources of information about different ERM topics. These links were provided by members of actuarial organizations in North America, UK, Australia among other places. There are now 31 topics that have separate pages on the blog and a total of 225 posts. The blog has received over 3600 hits since inception. The pages that have been visited the most are “INARM Volunteers” and “Economic Capital Allocation” (both receiving 186 hits).

In July, there was a lively book discussion Blog that took place. There were 64 comments posted by about a dozen participants and almost 2000 hits to that Blog! The discussion was almost completely about the book The Black Swan by Nassim Taleb with limited discussion of three other books.

The INARM group on LinkedIn (a commercial professional networking website with over 25 million total participants) has grown to just over 300 members. At last count, these folks are located in about 30 different countries. In September 2008, LinkedIn is significantly expanding the functionality for groups, (up from near zero), and so it is possible that this may be able to become an active community as well and not just a glorified address book of interested parties. To join the INARM group

The INARM listserv continues to operate and seems to be a significant source of shared information and resources along with occasional discussions for the participants. As of last count, the listserv had 280 participants.

Plans are being drawn up for a repeat of the successful ERM Webinar. In addition to a repeat of the administrative support from the SOA, the IAA is taking a more formal role through the participation of Tony Coleman, the chair of the IAA Enterprise & Financial Risks committee on the Coordinating committee. Expectation is to repeat the Webinar in December. The SOA staff are helping to formalize some of the processes and relationships so this can become a more permanent and professional event.

An ad hoc group has formed to discuss and learn more about emerging risks management. The group has held several calls and has posted some materials on the INARM Emerging Risks Google Group Site . In addition, the group has undertaken to create a sample emerging risk management walk through for a single risk as a collaborative (and open) project that will start in early September.